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Your logo is a graphical representation of your business or organization, frequently incorporating the name. It helps create the "look and feel" of your correspondence, signage, and other elements of your brand.  Your logo should project your company image whether in full color, one color, or black and white.


Even on a small budget, many businesses find it necessary to hire a professional to work with them in designing their logo. Using a homemade logo or one created with clip art can make your business look unprofessional.


Your logo should appear wherever possible; letterheads, invoices, emails, and promotional items should all feature your logo. It should become synonymous with your business.

Your slogan or saying mark helps define your organizations mission statement, values, and beliefs in one succinct sentence. Begin creating your slogan by brainstorming words you want customers to associate with your business.


Choose the most important words that emphasize the message you want to impress on consumers, encompassing your strengths and values.


Your slogan should be short and easy to remember.

Slogan or Saying Mark

Consistency counts.


Clear, easy to identify marketing messages are vital to any business.


Your marketing should feature your logo and be simple, easy to identify in one glance, and consistent wherever it appears, whether it's promotional products, t-shirts, magazine advertising or a tradeshow display, your message should be easily identifiable.

Promotions and Advertising
Branding Your Business

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